QYK-SET Acrylic Denture Repair Kit 77300


Experts Say: “QYK-SET is the product of choice for denture repair kits.” What comes in the Package: 2 oz Powder, 1 oz Liquid

SKU: QYK-SET 77300 Category:


Broken Denture Repair In (2-3 MINUTES) Is Easy Using Our QYK-SET Acrylic Denture Repair Kit

Just freshen up the broken edges of the denture allowing enough space for the repair material. Place powder and liquid in dappen dishes and paint on the material. Finish and polish. Judge for yourself!

Check out our Qyk-Set introductory kit – you won’t be disappointed!

What comes in the Package: 2 oz Powder, 1 oz Liquid

Repairs in just 2 MINUTES – TIME TO SWITCH?

QYK-SET. is a rapid setting cross-link copolymer acrylic that takes
just two minutes to set with little shrinkage and they fit

QYK-SET can also be used for assembly of implants, copings, and crowns; occusal stops for bite registration; repair of dentures and ortho appliances.

Why is QYK-SET the temporary acrylic of choice?

· Fast Setting Denture Repair
· Exceptional accuracy
· Relines and repairs in seconds
· Sets in the presence of eugenol
· Superior strength
· Easy to mix
· Reasonably Priced

Denture Repair Kit Instructions

1. Assemble parts of the broken denture with sticky wax.
2. Pour stone or plaster model.
3. Paint model with masque or tin foil medium.
4. Enlarge fracture line to 2-3mm., and bevel an undercut to 45° angle. Clean and set back on the model.
5. The reseated denture can now be repaired using this pain-on technique (powder and liquid in separate dappen dishes) or salt and pepper technique


Due to heat generated during setup, do not allow material to set in the mouth unless it is flushed with cold water to dissipate heat.


1. For single tooth replacement, but out the remaining portion of the tooth from the lingual side. Select replacement tooth carefully so it fits accurately.
2. To replace two or more teeth, Bur out the remaining portions from the lingual side and cut away sufficient material so teeth can be easily set.
3. Select replacement teeth and with wax set up teeth, and fill in until the original contour of denture is restored.
4. With plaster or compound, make it liable matrix.
5. When the matrix is set, remove teeth and clean off all wax from teeth and repair area.
6. Using the paint-on technique or dusting method, add QYK-SET® (pink) denture repair.
7. Place in warm water (110°f) or use pressure.
8. Trim and polish when set (2 minutes!)

Additional information

Weight 2 oz
Dimensions 6 × 6 × 6 in

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